Friday, 17 September 2010

Gas Natural Torre Marenostrum in Barcelona (EMBT, 2006)

Night view of the Gas Natural Tower

One of most wonderful modern buildings in Barcelona city is the Gas Natural Tower located in the Barceloneta. This project was designed by the Catalan architect Enric Miralles and the Italian architect Benedetta Tagliabue.

The building is clearly divided in the three areas: tower, aircraft carrier and the waterfall.

The singularity of the project is the enhanced external reflection of the glass, which appears to be studied in detail by the architects. The aim seems to achieve a certain grade of distortion on the external tempered glass. Distorsion is commonly reduced as much as possible because it is perceived as an inadequate quality, even there is a standard regulating the level of distortion on tempered glass. It appears the project is not in accordance with the standards, but it is done in purpose.

The waterfall is an interesting facade for two reasons, envelope's geommetry and facade structural system. The point supported glass system is formed by the following components:

•Steel sub structure fixed onto the slabs .
•Stainless steel component providing allowances to align the facade.
•Spider glass bracket.
•Stainless steel bolt suited for structural glass.
•Tempered Solar control glass with drills to be supported on the bolt.

Wood patterns were employed to get precisely the glass panes dimensions due to the complexity of the design.

The building can be admired from the costline as one of the landmarks in the district.

Wood model of the structure

Waterfall facade view during its construction. The wood patterns can be seen within the sub structure.


Criterios para la elección de un vidrio adecuado

1. DIMENSIONES: que sea posible fabricar. Según la composición del vidrio requerido sea realizable según las tecnologías de transformación que se disponen.

2. ASPECTO: Reflexión exterior (Re).

3. ILUMINACIÓN: Transmisión Luminosa (TL), que sea la adecuada para el uso del espacio que se proyecta.

4. SEGURIDAD: cumplir la normativa que corresponda. España dispone del CTE, en el Documento Básico SU, Seguridad de Utilización.

5. COMFORT: condensaciones, radiación ultravioleta, aislamiento acústico y temperatura cara interior son los parámetros a tener controlados para obtener un diseño adecuado.

6. AHORRO ENERGÉTICO: Factor Solar (FS) y transmitancia (U) son las dos variables a considerar. España está regulado por el CTE, en el Documento Básico DE-HE Ahorro de Energía, que indica los valores de FS y U según la situación geogràfrica.